Sunday, June 17, 2007

Starting the GUI (again...)

I've hit a wall again on the engine of this thing, and I thought of going to the gui way for a little while.

Ok, so KDE 4, is in development. The new KDE is based on the Qt 4.x series. I've decided to start implementing the gui in qt-4.3. Given the effort I am throwing at this, kde will be ready way before I am. :-)

The screenshot is of the very (very) first draft. Nothing is set on stone yet.

I really like Qt. It's so easy to code in.

Anyways, that's it for now, I hope I have something new on this to show soon.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Bye bye spring...welcome winter

So, we've messed the climate of the what?

It's not like our kids are going to inherit the broken planet. Oh wait....

Greece used to have nice seasons. Not anymore. A lot of rain in the end of May and now in the start of June.

For those of you who need some information, try looking up global dimming and see for yourself why scientists have underestimated the effect of global warming.

No, really, go and see.

Doctors and stupidity

One blog. One cancer case. One scream. One end.

A young woman's opinion about doctors. A dieing young woman's opinion about doctors. And you know what? I had the same opinion about doctors, and I am not even sick (that I know of).

And then I changed my mind. This bad opinion that I had about the doctors, was misfocused. They are not worse than we are, they are not better than we are. It's easy to prove it. They are neither worse or better cause they are simply us!

They are part of us. They do what we do. They don't do their job well the same way we don't do ours. They avoid doing their jobs the same way we avoid doing our job.

Isn't it obvious?

They are no different than you or me.

It's what they have been taught to do, the same way you and I have been. There is no point single them out. We all have to change. Not just doctors.

Can we change? Not really. We had our chance and we blew it. You can't teach and old dog new tricks. But what about new dogs? We might be able to do that. Make the next generation better, and maybe they will do the next better, and maybe someday this misery and stupidity arround us diminishes.

That's the way to go, not by blaming doctors. We can blame ourselves..