Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Slow week anyone? :-)

Ok, so it was not only a slow turns out it is a slow week.

Anyways, slowness and all, I come across the weirdest spam-email ever (..that I've noticed)

Good day, commander,
You are very good, thank you!

Anyone can get it? What is it trying to sell here? I don't get it.

Geez, I must be getting older...I can't even "get" spam now...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Slow day

Slow day today.
I got up late. No mood for coding. Just silly browsing and ircing.
Maybe later it will come to me...

Friday, October 28, 2005

NN doesn't want to learn plakoto...

This is starting to get on my nerves. I just recently got into Neural Network programming and I am trying to make a few NNs that will evaluate correctly game boards of backgammon. There are three different game types of backgammon in Greece.
  • Fevga
  • Plakoto
  • Portes
I've started the training with Fevga and it turned out quite good, say above average. And then I moved on to Plakoto...

Man, it does not want to learn how to play this game. I've tried everything. I increased the hidden layers neurons from 40 to 80. I went higher to 120 and 160. I let it train for 10 million games. No good. Always below average on strength of play.

There must be a bug either in coding or even conceptually. I won't give up. I'll get it.